Leading causes of death for men

Men, what is the most important thing in your life? I ask this question simply to get you to think.

So many times, men have to have a serious “wake up call” in order for them to rethink priorities and begin taking their health more seriously.

Below are the top 6 leading causes of death for men.

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Kelly williams
How hard should your exercise be?

How to calculate your cardio exercise intensity

First, regardless of what the calculations tell you, always use how you feel as the primary guide to intensity. Unless you are training for athletic events and at maximum intensity, you should never be so out of breath that you can’t have a conversation (moderately labored breathing with conversation is fine, especially if your walk takes you up a hill).

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Kelly williams
What makes people happy?

Do you consider yourself happy? If not, what is keeping you from being as happy as you can be?


Let’s look at a list of some of the things that people think will bring happiness. I am sure you can come up with your own list as well.

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Kelly williams